¿Lógica de celular? Acá te explicamos qué es | FixOEM - FixOEM :Repuestos Celular+ Micro Electrónica

Cell phone logic? Here we explain what it is | FixOEM

What's up, Fixer! Today we are going to talk about the logic card. Even if you can't see it with the naked eye because you have to be very nearsighted, the logic card is the brain of your cell phone. This board is small and contains all the necessary circuitry, chips and connectors to make your device work perfectly. How do you see her? Little but spicy the damned.

But how does this pedul work? Ah, well look teacher, the logic card is like a telephone exchange that processes all the calls and addresses on your phone. That's right, your cell phone is the first to know that the toxic one is looking for you. He is responsible for coordinating each of the device's functions and making sure everything goes smoothly. Not according to this, the very perrusca also has the job of connecting all the components of your cell phone, such as the screen, the battery, the camera, among others, so that they can interact with each other.

You may wonder why the logic board is so important. Well, without it, your phone just wouldn't give one. If this little thing fails, the cell phone can stop working completely or present problems such as blank screens, freezes, constant reboots or charging problems. He would get just like your girl when he gets angry, in short.

In case there is a pex with your logic card, a specialized repair is needed to fix it (so don't go playing the technician and mess with it because if you don't already have a grind). This may include replacing faulty components or soldering new items onto the motherboard. If the damage were to become too severe, your logic board would have to be replaced entirely.

So you already know, this component is vital for everything to work perfectly. There we ask you to take care of it, protect it and return it no later than nine at night. Nothing else where not, huh. Not true, champ. If you were to have problems with your phone, remember that the logic card may be the cause, so it is recommended that you take it to a specialized technical service for repair.

We hope this fixed article has served you, we'll read you next time. You wash it, pro!