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What is a jailbreak box/dongle?

Unlock boxes or dongles are specialized programs that allow us to work on software repairs such as unlocking firmware installation, deleting accounts or frp, reading special files such as certificates, NV data, deleting patterns and passwords.

What is a dongle?

Dongle (key) is a more compact tool, which also allows you to perform phone service. This device, in the vast majority of cases, looks like a flash drive with a USB input and allows you to read smart cards. Smart card, as in the previous case, contains the protected software that, if necessary, allows the device to be identified on the server.

What should I choose?

To choose one we must consider our current market and although most are compatible with various devices, it is important to take this point into account.

If your current market is Samsung, the best ones are Z3x and Octopus with Samsung activation.

Lg market the best ones are Octopus, Z3x Lg.

Alcatel, Huawei, Zte, Motorola, and Chinese equipment market, the best choice is Sigmakey and Nck are the best in terms of unlocking, if you choose one the best option will always be sigma, but if you do not have much capital you can buy Nck first which meets 80% unlocking of those teams.

In which country are cell phone unlocking boxes ILLEGAL - GSMmod cell phone unlocking boxes and files

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