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Waters with your cell phone! Know the bacteria in your phone

Did you know that we touch our phone 2,617 times a day on average? :0

Our devices have become essential in our daily lives, but: have you ever wondered how many bacteria your cell phone has and how it can affect you?

Don't worry, here is FixOEM to tell you all the bugs you're carrying and how to avoid it.

Bacteria on my phone? Do not tell me that!

Everywhere there are germs and viruses, some more aggressive than others, so it should not be too surprising that our mobiles have a couple of them.

Various institutions such as the University of Barcelona or the University of Arizona have agreed that a telephone has 10 to 30 times more bacteria than a toilet (surely in one of those brings to the amoeba band) .

Where do so many germs come from?


Surely it has happened to you that you turn to see your screen and you realize that it is already very dirty, do you remember the reasons for the dirt? Of course! There is the problem.

Leaving your device on dirty or dirty surfaces is a source of virus generation on your cell phone. Also, be careful who you order your phone from, because if the person is sick or has not washed their hands, they could leave some toxic residue on your phone.

Of course, not everything is from some external factor... almost. Our face, hands or skin in general can contain various bacteria from the environment, which is why cracking your pimples and touching the screen of your phone without washing your hands is the worst idea.

Everything gets worse if you are one of those who carry your cell phone everywhere including the bathroom (put it away a few minutes there is dirty) , it is not necessary to go into depth that if you had an accident, it could get wet, stained or dirty with not so pleasant "materials".

In summary, here is a list of sources from which, in case you or your cell phone comes into contact, the probability that you will catch a germ is high:

  • Kitchen.
  • Hospitals.
  • Dirty hands.
  • Work areas.
  • Public transport.
  • Common contact furniture.
  • Bathrooms (even more if it is public).
  • No or little cleaning of the device.
  • Handling by a person with viral illness.

What can I do to avoid it?

Surely the first thing that comes to mind is: use antibacterial gel .

Its use is an accessible option for many and today it helps us try to keep our hands as less contaminated as possible. As we have already seen, since this part of our body is the main source of transmission of bacteria to our device, its use is essential to avoid this situation.

However, although the antibacterial gel is one of the simplest alternatives, the objective of this is to keep our hands clean and not for you to use it on the compa phone, alcohol and the chemical components it has can damage your phone.

Also try not to expose your phone to dirty conditions or possible contamination so you don't carry them around all day, putting your health and that of your friends at risk. And yes, that includes taking it with you to the bathroom.

In addition, we must remember that the mobile itself can contain bacteria and viruses that are harmful to our health, so having a periodic cleaning of the cell phone helps reduce the number of germs on it.

Although the construction materials of each device are different (metal, plastic, glass, etc.) the use of suitable materials for cleaning electronic equipment is essential to avoid damaging your cell phone, so: Be careful!

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